Health & Safety

Our Health and Safety

Health and Safety is the most important aspect of our business and will be placed at the forefront of our operations and decision making.

We work in a high-risk sector and one where all employees and contractors know that despite the pressure of day-to-day work, safety should never be compromised. Our zero-tolerance approach accepts no excuses for unsafe work or people who put themselves or others at risk.

Clear & Simple

To assist clear understanding, we have simplified our Risk Assessments and translated into numerous languages.


If workers don’t agree/adhere to the work method outlined, we discuss openly and review to make tasks safer and more practical for execution.


If things don’t “feel” right on site; we encourage people to stop what they are doing, reassess concerns and implement improvements.


No matter what the time or financial constraint to make a task safer, we will make any improvements necessary.

Our Commitment and Approach

We provide a proactive safety culture whose aim is that 'everyone goes home unharmed everyday'


A team of 20 H&S professionals all directly employed understand the company ethos, feel passionate about what they do and lead by example.


Our advisors complete more than 200 Safety Inspections per month. They test arrangements and encourage training and personal development on site.


We have made a £1m + investment in the development of an industry-leading Health and Safety IT Management system. This links safety and training throughout the company.

​We continue to advance Health and Safety through feedback from workers, knowledge amassed from external sources and improved equipment and technology.


Involving site teams via H&S Committee and worker engagement meetings to obtain feedback and allow us to follow up actions within our regional management meetings.


'Near Miss' system providing the company with vital information to help identify unsafe patterns or areas, enabling proactive safety actions to be taken.


£1 million investment on a monitored camera system on excavators and telehandlers to support drivers in identifying pedestrians too close to our plant. This data is analysed and acted upon.


Speed restricted, dual camera and driver behaviour monitored van fleet of 700+ vehicles. Ongoing monitoring of driving behaviour to maintain and increase standards.

Provide continual Health and Safety training to improve the safety of our workplace and operational sites.


Professional internal training team delivering 14 internal courses to 2,500 operatives per annum.


6,000 Toolbox talk messages delivered, discussed, and recorded to around 45,000 recipients each year.


Gang profiling of up to 300 gangs pro-actively monitoring requirements for training and development.


Random Drug and Alcohol testing completed annually to around 20% of our workforce. We focus on prevention through education.


To demonstrate our commitment to a healthier workforce, we provide health screening, giving individuals their own medical health update – 250 medical assessments per annum.


All employees and contractors on our sites receive a comprehensive health and safety induction. It is important that all new operatives and employees have a clear understanding of our strict stance towards Health and Safety.


100% of our on site employees and contractors are accredited to the CSCS card scheme, plant operators hold the relevant qualification to comply with CPCS and NPORS standards.

Our Health and Safety Committee, lead by Directors, ensures that our commitment is applied across our business. Alongside this commitment we:


Ensure safety procedures are continually reviewed and improved to meet current legislation and best practice.


Operate a management system to OHSAS:45001, ISO:9001 & ISO:14001 standards.


Continual SSIP accreditation for both Contractor and Principal Contractor through CQMS, SMAS and Construction Online.


Members of the ‘Working Well Together’ campaign.

Don't Walk By - See it, Scan it, Report it

At MV Kelly, safety is our top priority.

We're excited to launch our ‘Don’t Walk By’ campaign to make it easier for workers to report Near Misses, Positive Observations, Health and Safety Concerns, and Suggestions for Improvement.

Simply scan the QR code located on our vans, around our sites, and in our offices to report anytime, anywhere.

If you see something that doesn't look right.


See it, Scan it, Report it!

Your Safety, Your Voice!


Safety Shield

Safety Shield is an advanced AI human form recognition safety system developed to Protect pedestrians and site personnel, warn the plant operator of people entering the red zone, and providing data footage for the improvement of training and development. By Autumn 2024 all our large plant will have Safety Shield fitted as standard.

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